aktualizováno: 18.01.2025 19:38:55 

CHS Farma Štěkot FCI





Kennel Farma Štěkot is the only family pyrenean breeds of dogs, which from time immemorial belonged to him when grazing sheep,goats and small animals. Station was founded in 1991. In the same year was born the first representative pyrenean dogs in   this breed.


was born in the Czech litter after Italian parents.Today,it is in dog heaven,still lives with us further in all current Czech pedigree dogs and bitches. It is all part completely.

CH.Aconge /Aja/ susek was still the largest in the Czech Republic. Her height 74 cm, today corresponds to the new trend to increase the range of height for females Pyrenean mountain dog new to the bred standard issued in March year 2002. Aja was primarily breeding female,ever wanted to be a mother, which argued its early heat after two months, four,etc. Yet,in addition to farming and participated in show, became the Czech Champion, National winner,w.Interchampion, 2x best veteran show and ended her life directly to the show of dogs in Hradec Králové. After a medical site has been up to the end of his healthy, very active, full force, with HD 0/0,PL 0/0. Its sound basis and forwarded to their offspring when rear 5 litters puppies:


                                                CH.AJKA, ICH.MONTY, ICH.BÁRBIE     CH.AJKA in Spain with ICH.CH.CH.Sautorem del´Oronet.






In 1993,litter ,,A,, Farma Štěkot, after the Swiss dog, CH. Adadgio de la Ruvine,HD 0/0, example:
– Czech champion,winner club,club champion,BIS club show, HD 0/0, PL0/0.
- became the foundation of farming in the Russian land. Female ICH.CH.CH. AMANDA FARMA ŠTĚKOT – the first Czech Interchampion,Champion Bohemia, Champion club,the National winner, 3x Club winner,BIS ,4 puppies from the litter enhanced breeding in Germany.

In 1994 litter ,,B,, Farma Štěkot, after the German dog ICH.CH.CH. Costa von Hüttenbusch, HD0/0, PL 0/0, for example:
Dog BADDY FARMA ŠTĚKOT – import into the U.S.
Female ICH.CH.CH.CH. BÁRBIE FARMA ŠTĚKOT –Interchampion ,Champion Czech Republic,Slovakia Champion,Champion Club,the National winner,Club winner young, HD 0/0 , PL 0/0.

In 1995, litter ,,C,, Farma Štěkot ,after the German dog ICH.CH.CH. Attila von der Kaiserpfalz, HD 0/0, PL0/0, for example:
– champion Slovakia,KV, HD 0/0, PL 0/0.
Interchampion, champion Czech, Champion Slovakia,Poland champion,champion club,club winner,club champion, winner of a special show,HD 0/0, PL0/0. The first Czech Junior champion,BIS club show.
- the first Czech junior champion, HD 0/0, PL 0/0.
CIR FARMA ŠTĚKOT- import Slovakia.

In 1996,litter ,,D,, Farma Štěkot ,after the Hungarian dog Dégfalvi Deli ,for example:
- Czech junior champion,club winner young
Female JCH.DARKA FARMA ŠTĚKOT – Czech junior champion, winner of young club,    HD 0/0, PL 0/0.

In 1997,litter ,,E,, Farma Štěkot ,after the Dutch dog HCH. Copian Led D´or Montagnes:
Slovakia on imported female Efí Farma Štěkot.

Successor females CH.Ajky is her daughter ICH.CH.CH.CH. BÁRBIE FARMA ŠTĚKOT , which has rear 4 young litter:

In 1998,litter ,,F,, Farma Štěkot,after the father of the country of origin from France,white dog ICH.CH.CH. Grizzly de la Montagne des Patous,for example:

In 1999,litter ,,G,, Farma Štěkot,after the Spanish father,the local club president,the most successful stallion in the country ICH.CH.Sautor de l´Oronet, HD 0/0. Two puppies went back to Spain to replace the lost dog Sautora when the litter was his last.
is held by club president pyrenean mountain dogs.
Female GERDA FARMA ŠTĚKOT is held by the vice-President of the club pyrenean Mastiff.

In 2000,litter ,, H ,, Farma Štěkot,after the Danish father,the most successful dog from the  Sandybears, dog CH.CH.CH.CH.CH. Sakim, HD 0/0,which is the cahmpion of Norwegian countries,a higher valuation than Interchampion ,for example:
– 4x BIS PUPPY, 1of the BIS PUPPY,Czech junior champion,Slovak junior champion beauty, 3xCACIB, 5x BOB ,a dog in his first year won the above 8 adults,and in the class winners valuation BOB, HD 0/0.
– Czech junior champion
Female HEFINA FARMA ŠTĚKOT – Czech junior champion,girl in 13 months won the class champions BOB,is now INTERCHAMPION,CHAMPION CZ,CHAMPION CLUB,winner of Special show,club winner

In 2001,litter ,,CH,, Farma štěkot a dog Eben Farma štěkot and female CH.Felon Farma for example,female CHANTAL FARMA ŠTĚKOT -JUNIORCHAMPION Czech Republic.

In 2002,litter ,,I,, Farma štěkot after the French Interchampion,champion club ,Champion Hungary,champion laurel garlands, Junior Champion, HD 0/0 and  female ICH. Bárbie Farma štěkot and

litter "J" Farma Štěkot after JCH.CZ,JCH.SK HAKIM Farma Štěkot and female CH.Felon Farma Štěkot in of 8 dogs.

In 2003,litter "K" Farma štěkot after the Danish line dog Monty - Interchampion, Junior champion Czech, Junior champion Slovakia, Club Juniorchampion, Champion Czech Rep. 2x BIS Puppy,r. BIS Puppy, 3x CACIB, 6xCAJC, 6x CAC, 4x BOB, dog is HD 0/0 and female CH.Felon Farma Štěkot, 4x CAC,for example,JCH.Karmen Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0.

In 2004,litter ,,L,, - the merger of French dog JCH.JCH.Troubat de la Commanderie au Gonfanon Bauceant and females ICH.Bárbie Farma Štěkot,the dogs of 5.

In 2004,litter ,,M,,the concentration of the most successful dog last year  ICH.CH.CH.Glatisant´s Ark - INTERCHAMPION, CHAMPION-VDH,CHAMPION-HS,CHAMPION-NKR CHAMPION-AUSTRIA, CHAMPION-H , GRAND CHAMPION , JUNIORCHAMPION-H, JUNIORCHAMPION -AUSTRIA , EUROPEAN Winner 2003 !!!!! ,World Winner 2003 !, 99,00,01,02,03 champion Champion ! Best Male Year 99,00,01,02,03.Club winner 00,01,02,03,04 .TOP 2, 14x PRIMUS JUNIOR , 84 x CAC, 4x r.CAC, 6x r.CACIB, 39x CACIB, 89 x BOB, 1x BOG, 3x BOG 3, 4x BOG 2, 4x BOG, Junior BIS 3- 99, BIS - FRENCH SPECIAL SHOW 01,the BIS -2002, the BIS - Club schow 2004,HD 0/0. Mothers should CH.Felon Farma Štěkot, born 9 puppies.

                                  boy  Mikimaus

Litter ,N,was born. 2005 of the merger females CH.Felon Farma Štěkot and Spanish male CH.Benasque de la Torre de Justo,HD 0/0.

Litter ,O, born 14.1.06 in the number of 10 puppies after female JCH.Karmen Farma Štěkot, HD 0/0 and American multichampion Highlands Nordic Dreamer, HD 0/0, PL 0/0,for example,

JCH.CZ, JCH.KL. Odetka Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0- BEST female BREEDS,Juniorchampion Czech, Juniorchampion club.

Litter ,P, was born on the first day of spring 2006 in the number of 11 puppies from the merger females JCH.Linda Farma Štěkot, HD 0/0 and multichampion CH.JCH.JCH.Dreamer, HD 0/0, PL 0/0,for example.

Pajpr Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 , Peppi ,HD 0/0, ED 0/0, PL 0/0, Polar Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0, Pamela Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0, JCH.Pišta Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0, PL 0/0, Percy Farma Štěkot HD 0/0, Panda Farma Štěkot,HD 0/1,ED 0/0, PL 0/0.

Litter ,Q, was born in April 2006 of 3 puppies from the merger females Jacinta Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and French male JCH.Troubat de la Commanderie au Gonfanon Bauceant

Litter ,R, was born in May 2006 of 8 dogs from   CH.Felon Farma Štěkot and French male  DASTY .

Litter ,S, was born 29.10.06 in the number of  10puppies from the merger females JCH.Linda Farma Štěkot and Spanish multichampion CH.CZ,CH.KL,JCH.CZ,JCH.KL. Benasque de la Torre de Justo,HD 0/0 ,for example: Sabrina Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0,PL 0/0,ED 0/0 live in the U.S.

Litter ,T, was born 28.11.06  6 puppies from the merger females CH.Felon Farma Štěkot and American multichampion CH.CZ,CH.KL,JCH.KL,JCH.CZ Highlands Nordic Dreamer,HD 0/0, PL 0/0, for example: JCH.Tája Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 ,Tina Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0

Litter ,U, was born on 8.4.07 in the number of 11 puppies from the merger females JCH.Karmen Farma Štěkot and french JCH.JCH.Troubat de la Commanderie au  Gonfanon Bauceant -import from the Pyrenees,for example: Umbo Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0

Litter ,V, was born on 15.5.07 in of 5 puppies from the combination females Míša Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and American multichampion CH.CZ,CH.KL,JCH.CZ,JCH.KL Highlands Nordic Dreamer,HD 0/0, PL 0/0

Litter ,W,  was born 28.6.07 in the number of 7 puppies from the combination females JCH.Linda Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and American male CH.CZ,CH.KL.JCH.CZ,JCH.KL Highlands  Nordic Dreamer,HD 0/0, PL 0/0 ,for example: Woody Farma Štěkot -VÝBORNÝ 1,2xCAJC,female Wega Farma Štěkot HD 0/0

Litter ,X , was born 26.12.07 in of 8 puppies from the combination females Pajpr Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and French dog JCH.JCH.Troubat de la Commanderie au Gonfanon Bauceant of the Pyrenees.

Litter ,Y, born 26.1.2008 in of 1 puppy from the merger females JCH.Linda Farma Štěkot , HD 0/0 and American dog CH.CZ,CH.KL,JCH.CZ,JCH.KL. Highlands Nordic Dreamer , HD0/0 ,PL 0/0

Litter ,W , was born on 20.4.2008 in the number 9 puppies from the combination females  JCH.Karmen Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and French dog JCH.JCH.Troubat de la Commanderie au Gonfanon Bauceant,import from the Pyrenees



female Felon Farma štěkot
a puppy Monty Farma štěkot

Dyk in the snow



CH. Ajka , 8 monthly dog
Monty Farma štěkot ,
ICH.CH.CH.CH.Bárbie Farma štěkot

 PHP litter, H ,, Farma štěkot



štěně Grizzly Farma štěkot as BIS Spanish show

BREEDS PYRENEAN MOUNTAIN DOG is its origin defender of the sheep from wolves.




Beautiful white dog given to their forming part of Pyrenean Mountain dog, a perfect fusion snowy hills and white hair, accompanied by more or less dark marks on the head and tail as the root of mountain clearing in the vicinity. Characters to  be the minimum consistent with the recovery work - to protect herds of white rule,goats and sheep from gray wolves or dark features. Breed is known for centuries, together with other follow-up to the first white grazing dogs, the common ancestors of today s helpers in Italy- Maremansko-Abruzského pasteveckého dog, Poland, as Podhalanska Shepherd Dog, Hungary -Slovak or Kuvasz ,Čuvač with our neighbors. Industrial use of dogs were chosen at an early youth, also according to their strengths draw double inside the pelvic limb. Small stunted or draw free marking a weak skeleton individuals are poor indicator of quality. Also has this year increased standard of the breed to breed and are assigned only the health of individuals with a solid double ossicle.

Today, these wonderful dogs height of 70- 80 cm, we can meet with us in the number of 700 individuals, farther are represented in Hungary, Germany, Spain, France,the country of origin, but you can find it in countries such as Finland, Australia, England, Japan and Mexico. You gain popularity as its elegant appearance, and his loving nature, loyalty and reliable protection of their families. Caring for the Pyrenean mountain dog lies in sincere personal understanding,coexistence with the family,as well as the quality of care and feeding. In accordance with its original plan,the mountain environment for him and now important enough space and movement. Dense, requires appropriate hair brushing 1x per week. Against the current dirt is to coat the Pyrenean mountain dog-proof their self-cleaning ability. In the regular care bearing in mind the repeated treatment of ear and shortening Claws on Aftekralen pelvic limbs. Elegant friend,we love our gratitude for 10 - 12 years ago a beatiful marriage.
     Data: height  70 - 80 cm, weight  40 - 60 kg
Color: white ,white with Maske,special features: solid double claws pelvic limbs, bear the shape of the head right balance nose  and head, elegance, balanced nature.
Umbrella club: Club Breeders very little breeds of dogs   Contact: www.KCHMPP.CZ 


female JCH.Karmen Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0 and male CH.CH.JCH.JCH.Highlands Nordic Dreamer,HD 0/0, PL 0/0 had 11 puppies,
for example, JCH.Odetka and Farma Štěkot,HD 0/0

In 1997 we released a book called BOOK OF BREEDING PYRENEAN DOGS,where the 245 pages you will find information on all pyrenean breeds of dogs in the Czech Republic,dates from the history of breeds, a description of all Czech individuals from the first Import year in 1988 and after 1997. the book is divided into four parts, each of them deals with one of the breeds from their origin, standard breeding, exhibitions and various representative. The book is accompanied by 200 black and white photographs of local dogs and abroad.     

In 2005 we released a color monograph breed called the Pyrenean mountain dog. This large full-color publication is a summary of attractions on the Pyrenean mountain dog, from the origin, history in England,France , Spain, Germany,Belgium, Italy,Hungary,Switzerland,Slovenia and Japan,an overview of the subsequent recovery of breeding,exhibitions, performances of individuals, livestock stations, supplemented by a special part of puppy birth, breeding, nutrition, new transmission owners, the basics of education, exhibition preparation,schedules,nutrition, care, step by step, how best to proceed to a friend of his had just happy. ¨
These books, magazines and newsletters can be with us or to view shows:
  • Rapporteur Spanish club pyrenean mountain dogs BOLETÍN - CLUB ESPANOL DEL PERRO DE MONTANA DE LOS PIRINEOS.

Cooperation with the Spanish club owners, we pyrenean dogs.  polupráci s tímto španělským klubem jsme majitelům pyrenejských psů zprostředkovali v roce 1996.V roce 1998 jsme španělského prezidenta klubu ve Valencii sami navštívili společně s naší fenou CH.Ajkou.Ve stejném roce jsme pro fenu z našeho chovu JCH. Darku Farma Štěkot domluvili krytí španělským psem CH.Sucre de´l Oronet a v roce 1999 jsme my nakryli naši fenu ICH.Bárbie Farma štěkot nejlepším španělským plemeníkem ICH.CH.Sautorem de´l Oronet. Now, on the Spanish exhibitions wins and grandchildren Czech females ICH.Bárbie Farma štěkot of the litter , M , de´l Oronet.




Farma Štěkot






Results - Grizzly Farma Štěkot

Goro Farma Štěkot



Grizzly Farma Štěkot

Results DKK - also Grizzly

  • You can also get acquainted with international rapporteur for lovers pyrenean mountain dogs  INTERNATIONAL MAGAZINE, which published clubs from Spain, denmark, Italy, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia ,Norway, Sweden and Japan.
  • The inspection is also a monograph Pyrenean Mountain dog from Salvádora Gómez-Toldrá and Laurent Blisard. The book has 205 pages with color photographs.


  • In addition, book from America where our breed called, GREAT PYRENEES,. The book is written Andrew M.Jonson, and has  192 pages with color photos pyrenean dogs because of our far distant dogs and describes the care from birth to the exhibition. 


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